How Induron is Like the National Champions in College Football

football stadiumBy David Hood, Induron President

Just in case you missed it, the University of Alabama (UA) just won the national football championship for the 4th time since Nick Saban became the coach in 2007.

I have never attended UA, but I have been an admirer of its legendary coach Paul “Bear” Bryant for years. I am now equally a fan of Nick Saban and his coaches —not so much for the team’s wins as much as for the way they coach (teach) the young men on their team.

Both of these legendary coaches teach hard work, discipline, learning, planning and, above all, finishing! The result has been teams that are better than the sum of the skills of the players and players who are better for the experience. What more could you hope for?

Many years ago, Induron trademarked the phrase, “Start With A Good Finish!” The inferences are that we make good paint (finishes) and that its selection will yield a good result. I prefer to think of the phrase as a reminder that success in anything you do requires that you “finish” just as coaches Bryant and Saban have said so many times.

Don’t give up. Don’t slack off. Don’t let short-term failures make you quit. You can only “win” by finishing.

Happy New Year, and welcome to 2016! I hope that your year is starting off well as it has for UA. It can be a good year for us all if we, “Start With A Good Finish!”

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