Induron Visits Jacksonville State University’s School of Business and Industry

July 19, 2021By adminCoatings, Holidays and Events, Induron, Induron Family, Induron Values No Comments

By: Davies Hood, Induron President As the president and owner of Induron Protective Coatings, I have been involved in expanding our sales and marketing efforts into international markets. In order to enlighten her students about real life international business development, Lenn Rainwater asked me to share my experiences with her class at Jacksonville State University’s … Read More

Induron Goes International

July 8, 2021By adminCoatings, Induron, T&D industry No Comments

By: Davies Hood (Induron President) and Kendall Smith (Induron Power Market Manager) The year 2020 ushered in several new changes. As a result of the global pandemic, we all became familiar with the terms and isolating effects of “social distancing,” “safer at home” and “quarantine.” However, we also became much more comfortable with “Zoom Meetings,” … Read More