Is Integrity Dead?

By Linc York, Induron Sales Representative

Ray Leuthauser, left, and Jan Corbett, right. From PaintSquare News

Fortunately, the answer is no.

Unfortunately, however, these days it seems too often that the attitude is, “It’s all about me.” The world is comprised of givers and takers. Integrity – or the lack thereof – is the benchmark of a person’s character. These axioms come to mind when you read this article from PaintSquare News about the integrity and moral character of Ray Leuthauser, who returned more than $300 that was blowing his way while he was driving down the highway. Instead of pocketing his “found” cash, Leuthauser went to what some would consider extreme measures just to return it to its rightful owner – a provider for the homeless.

Needless to say, Ray Leuthauser has strong core values, and his actions inspired his superintendent and his company to do the right thing and give to others in need. Remarkably, the efforts of these good people and their companies resulted in at least doubling what was once almost lost.

Induron’s core values are all about integrity, respect, reliability and innovation. At Induron, we set high standards for our products and personnel. Induron manufactures and sells protective coatings that not only work, but often exceed the customer’s expectations. Like Ray Leuthauser, we make every effort to do the right thing.

We’d like to end by saying a big “Thank You” to Ray Leuthauser and wishing all the success in the world to the Peter & Paul Community Service Organization, located in St.Louis, MO.

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