The Most Environmentally-Friendly Method for Maintaining Aged Galvanized Steel Structures

February 1, 2022By adminInduron, T&D industry, Uncategorized No Comments

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager Rise IVF, a leading Swedish industrial research institute focusing on materials, processes and production systems within manufacturing and product development areas, recently completed a report titled the “Refurbishment of hot dip galvanized products – environmental impacts in a life cycle perspective.” Rise IVF’s goal was to form a … Read More

Effective Methods to Maintain and Extend the Power Grid Lifecycle

October 4, 2021By adminHolidays and Events, Induron, Induron In the News, Infrastructure, T&D industry No Comments

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager Induron Protective Coatings is proud to announce an upcoming webinar with Marcus Evans (ME) regarding corrosion control and protective coatings for the electric utility industry, specifically the transmission and distribution (T&D) sector.  Join Davies Hood, president of Induron Coatings and two top-level executives of electric utilities as well … Read More

Induron Goes International

July 8, 2021By adminCoatings, Induron, T&D industry No Comments

By: Davies Hood (Induron President) and Kendall Smith (Induron Power Market Manager) The year 2020 ushered in several new changes. As a result of the global pandemic, we all became familiar with the terms and isolating effects of “social distancing,” “safer at home” and “quarantine.” However, we also became much more comfortable with “Zoom Meetings,” … Read More

Extending The Useful Life of Global Galvanized T&D Assets

May 15, 2020By adminCoatings, Induron No Comments

By: Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager Induron sales representatives have traveled around the world to speak with electric transmission managers about protecting T&D assets from corrosion. We have discovered almost as many approaches to coatings and corrosion as the countries we’ve visited. Because most places have extensive literature and standards on new HDG galvanizing, … Read More