By: Rob Burckley, Induron Sales Representative
The original coating on Peotone, Illinois’s 250,000-gallon pedosphere tank had reached the end of its lifecycle. The tank owner, Aqua Illinois, involved Dixon Engineering as the engineer on the project, Pittsburg Tank & Tower Group as the general contractor, Semper Fi Industrial coatings as the paint contractor, and Induron Protective Coatings as the coatings manufacturer.
The project challenges
Because the pedosphere tank is in close proximity to houses, containment was key to this project, in addition to the finishing in a timely manner, and ultimately, providing Aqua Illinois with a proper coatings to protect and extend the service life of the tank. Prior to coating the tank, the interior required a full wet blast and a dry spot blast, and the exterior required a full blast.

The coatings solution
With proven experience and success with Induron coatings, Aqua Illinois knew they could rely on Induron to provide a superior coatings solution for long-term protection. Two coats of Induron’s PE-70 Epoxy and a top coat of Induron’s Perma-Clean 100 were specified for the interior of the tank. PE-70 Epoxy is a two component, high solids, highly cross-linked, self-priming epoxy coating formulated for long-term resistance to water, many water soluble chemicals, and other aggressive environments. As a fast-curing, 100% solids epoxy tank lining, Perma-Clean 100 provides enhanced edge retention, unparalleled film build, ultra-low permeability and absolute minimal undercutting. Together, this interior coatings system provides the tank with a long new life cycle that will save the customer in the long-term.
Two coats of Induron’s PE-70 Epoxy and a top coat of Induron’s Indurethane 6600+ were specified for the exterior of the tank. Indurethane 6600+ is a high solids, high gloss acrylic aliphatic polyurethane finish formulated with the highest-quality polyurethane resins and pigments. It provides outstanding performance in the most severe climates with its excellent abrasion and chemical resistance. This finish coat is especially designed for use where long-term gloss and color retention is required, like this project.

The tank was painted and returned to service in a timely manner, and all parties involved were pleased with the finished result.