Mastic Epoxy Primer
This product is especially designed to provide long-term protection to unpainted or previously painted steel without requiringsandblasting. It may be used to extend the life of structures previously painted with lead and chromate containing coatings and thus avoid the generation of toxic by-products that sandblasting would produce. This product is ideal for protecting and extending the life of metal buildings, fences, piping, process equipment, tanks, bridges and structural steel.
Induramastic-85 may be used as a single coat, recoated with itself or topcoated with Induron AquaClean, Perma-Clean II, Indurethane, PermaGloss, Indurlux and Aquanaut© finishes
In many coatings projects sandblasting to perfectly cleaned steel is not viable due to the proximity of other assets, the budget, or the project schedule. When marginal surface preparation is a project reality, Induramastic 85 is the perfect primer. Induramastic 85 is a high build, surface-tolerant epoxy formulated for excellent adhesion to clean steel, rusted steel, weathered galvanizing, wood, concrete, and most existing cured coatings. It is ideal for overcoating projects. Two coats of Induramastic 85 applied to hand tool or power tool cleaned rusted steel, will outperform many conventional coating systems that routinely require costly blast cleaning.