By: Davies Hood, Induron President
Alfred “Tex” Enoch has been in the protective coatings industry for 50 years. He began his career with Pennsbury Paint in 1969, and is retiring from Induron Coatings in July 2023. While we will no longer work together, Tex is much more than a retired Induron employee–Tex is a good friend who I consider to be one of my personal role models and a professional inspiration.
I met Tex at the Steel Plate Fabricators (SPF now STI/SPF) conference in Arizona in the early 2000s. At the time, he was the Water Tank Market Manager for one of Induron’s biggest competitors. I knew exactly who he was–partly because of his outsized reputation, but also because I was a competitive, young buck who genuinely wanted to “beat” my competition. Anyway, I was introduced to Tex, and much to my chagrin, couldn’t help but like the guy. His friendly smile, warm handshake and genuine interest in others is obvious at first sight. Over the next few years, we established and maintained a relationship through various mutual industry committee memberships. Later on, when I had the opportunity to hire Tex as a 60+ year old salesman, friends and associates thought I was crazy. Now, fifteen years later, I am much wiser as a result of making this hire. I look back on those comments as short-sighted and am very glad that I didn’t listen.
Simply put, Tex Enoch is an industry icon, and I consider myself lucky to have worked with and learned from him for a decade and a half. Tex is easy to like, even by his competition, in part because of his inclusiveness and genuine interest in others. I’ve experienced both in abundance over the years. Tex is also quick to share his personal experiences–both good and bad. And, as a third-generation family business owner, I continue to need as much of that insight as possible.
Tex expanded Induron’s business in eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey and throughout the nation’s water tank industry, but more importantly, Tex helped me grow as a person, as a leader and as a true friend.
Throughout his career, Tex has made a positive impact on many others in the industry. He is well-known for his commitment to the industry, specifically the potable water storage tank industry, through participation on standards committees and industry-supporting organizations. Most notably, Tex earned the respect of his peers, including customers, co-workers and even competitors.I’m proud to share some comments and well wishes from a few members of our team who worked closely with Tex:
“After some acclimatization to a new ‘southern’ family-owned company, Tex quickly found his direction and really jump started our growth in the water tank market over the last 15 years, in both geography and relationships. Tex has readily shared his knowledge and insights gained over 50 plus years in the coatings industry with me and our whole team as we grow individually and as a company. Best wishes to Tex and Peggy in the next chapter of their journey.” –Jeff White, Induron Executive VP and GM
“When you and I first met, I had been taught a lot about the technical aspects of coatings and business management. I had a hard time seeing your version of ‘relationship sales’ as anything more than pretending to be friends to get an order. You taught me that what it’s really about is getting to know your customers and their needs to the degree that you are simply unwilling to let them down. You taught me that it’s a strength to build human connections with my coworkers and clients, and hold myself accountable to them. You taught me that the old phrase ‘it’s not personal, it’s business’ just isn’t good enough. You showed me that personally investing in the outcomes of the people around me is how to build enduring relationships that support great business outcomes. You taught me to have fun and help others, and let the business outcomes follow that. That lesson has already proved to be the most valuable in my career. It’s what I hope to carry forward as your legacy at Induron. Enjoy retirement, my friend! And thank you for all the lessons.” -Andy Odorzynski, Induron National Sales Manager
“As I ended an almost 20 year run with my family’s industrial coatings company, Keeler & Long, Inc., it was a bit daunting to think where to continue my career. I was very active in the electric power industry all over the country. Somehow, in connecting with the local Tnemec reps, I was introduced to Tex Enoch. Tex took me under his wing during a visit to Kansas City for an interview. After I was hired, Tex became a frequent travel companion for the monthly management meetings. Later, I had the opportunity to return the favor by helping Tex at Carboline for a few years. Even later, Tex connected me with Davies Hood, owner and president of Induron Protective Coatings. All in all, the total time we spent working together was well over 20 years–about half of the time I have spent in the industry!” – Kendall Smith, Induron Power Market Manager
Tex, you will be missed, thought of fondly and contacted regularly. I certainly raise a glass to the career of a true friend! We had the pleasure of celebrating Tex’s retirement at a cocktail party at the ACE 2023 conference. Check out a few photos from the event!