Look Beneath the Surface

Our awesome operations team

By Davies Hood

“Induron: Look Beneath the Surface.”  That’s our tag-line, but it’s way more than just that. It’s who we are.

Sure, it’s a play on words, because we are in the paint business and paint is used to protect or beautify the surface level.  We also have some competitors who look really good on the surface, but don’t have much substance underneath.

But it’s more than just a clever play on words. It’s about the people that work here at Induron who are all much “deeper” than just surface level.

I know it might sound corny, but we really act like a family around here. I have a sister, and growing up we fought like cats and dogs, but at the end of the day, there was no one I was more willing to go to bat for than her.

That’s the attitude we strive for at Induron. Since we end up spending more time working together than we do with our family and friends, we do try to have some fun and play as a team.

Effective teams treat each other with respect; they praise successes loudly and deal with mistakes as a learning opportunity. When changes need to be made, that occurs behind closed doors. Then we move on and get better. Good management is certainly an integral part of good teamwork, along with being open to change and being a good listener.

Communication within any organization of team is critical for success. It’s a two-way street. When egos or fear of failure get in the way, communication suffers and, as a result, teamwork suffers.

The culture here is one of good teamwork, not fear. With this post, we’re not trying to bang on our chest, we’re merely trying to pat those that deserve the credit on the shoulder. In fact, 15% of our entire team is working at the same company that their dad did, including me!

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