ARRRG….A Special Halloween Post about Blackbeard’s Booty

By Jeff White

Happy Halloween! My two go to Halloween costumes as a kid were a “soldier” and a “pirate.”

As an adult, I got to live the life of a soldier for a few years. But I’ve never sailed the high seas as a pirate, so the lore of the pirate lifestyle still interests me. Continue reading ARRRG….A Special Halloween Post about Blackbeard’s Booty

Collaboration Leads to a Win-Win

By John Anspach, Induron VP of Operations

Recently, Induron’s sales and technical organization met with the heads of the Physics & Chemistry Departments at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB).  The purpose of the meeting was for us to learn about the university’s capability to conduct third-party coatings testing. This could support our current and future customers’ analytical needs by providing needed support and added value. In addition, our hope was to find new and unique ways to evaluate these coatings. Continue reading Collaboration Leads to a Win-Win

To Blast or Not To Blast? That is the Question

By Ben Rowland

One of the most important, and most common, questions raised when assessing the condition of an existing water tank is whether or not it is a candidate for overcoating, or if will it be necessary to blast clean the tank back to the bare substrate.

This is a simple question with a multitude of variables and answers. Some of the variables include: budget, tank site, condition of the existing coatings, the type of existing coatings, desired life expectancy of the coating system to be applied, desired coatings to apply, so on and so forth. Continue reading To Blast or Not To Blast? That is the Question

The Power Poles that should have always been

By Chris Rowell, Induron Sales Rep

Sometimes there are products that have so many advantages, you wonder why they haven’t been around since the dawn of time. Take the iPad, for instance. Or solar calculators. Or The Price is Right.

Like the combination of ductile iron and ceramic epoxy paint coatings for the electrical transmission and distribution industry. Let me explain. Continue reading The Power Poles that should have always been

Why My Knowledge is Your Knowledge

By Ben Rowland, Induron Sales Rep

As an Induron sales rep, I spend a lot of time honing my knowledge of the industry. Whether I’m attending a continuing education course, getting re-certified in a particular aspect of the industry or working with our Induron chemists to ensure I’m up to date on the latest and greatest products we offer, staying informed on every aspect of the world of coatings is vital to our business… and YOUR success. Continue reading Why My Knowledge is Your Knowledge